Programme SAP J_1SUSTR - IS-M/SD CH/S: Change Program for Streets

This program imports the entries in table J_1SSUPBESTAND from the streetdataset comparison. The records are formatted based on the user code andwritten to the UPDA street table (JSTSTRUPDA).
Entries where the user code is blank or 5 are not processed. Once anentry has been formatted and written to the UPDA street table(JSTSTRUPDA), it is deleted from table J_1SSUPBESTAND.

Please adhere to the processing sequence (reports, maintenance views).
PTT Conversion Processing:
1) J_1SNFIL (create temporary file)
2) J_1SUPAL (dataset comparison/conversion for postal code/cityassignments)
3) J_1SVPUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of postal code/citycomparison)
4) J_1SUPLZ (format UPDA records for postal code/city assignments)
5) J_1SUBAL (dataset comparison for streets)
6) J_1SUSTR (format UPDA records for streets)
7) J_1SVSUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of street comparison)
8) POSTÄNDERUNGSDIENST (process change number)
9) J_1SUBOT (carrier data upgrade)

Street dataset comparison:
You should have run program J_1SUBAL.
Result of street dataset comparison:
You must check the entries in table J_1SSUPBESTAND that have a user codeof 5. If you want to use the street supplied by the PTT in these entries
, you must change the user code to 3 using the maintenance viewJ_1SVSUPBESTAND.
Open changes:
Tables JSTSTRUPDA and JSTPLOUPDA must only contain open changes createdby the comparison/conversion for postal codes and cities (programsJ_1SUPAL and J_1SUPLZ).
Change number:
You must use the same change number as you use for program J_1SUBAL.
Program J_1SUSTR can be restarted if the requirements are met.

Country for which the result of the street dataset comparison is to bewritten to the UPDA table (JSTSTRUPDA) (default = CH).
Change number:
You must use the same change number as you use for program J_1SUBAL.
Printer controls:
Various settings for log output.

Result of street comparison:

Log (SPOOL):
Information on the number of entries created in the UPDA table(JSTSTRUPDA).
SAP street UPDA table:

1) Check whether the requirements are met
2) Enter selection criteria on selection screen
3) Execute program
4) Check log
5) Once program J_1SUSTR has run, please check table J_1SSUPBESTAND. Ifthere are any remaining entries in the table, these have not beenformatted for the UPDA table (JSTSTRUPDA). Postedit these entriesmanually or delete them.