Description This report creates the Brazilian legal book registro de controleda produção e do estoque.> Using the goods documents from a givenperiod, it creates a list of goods movements that have resulted in achange of stock quantity.Precondition Mandatory selection criteria
- Selection criteria for movements>
Company code> Company issuing the registro.> Branch code> Branch issuing the registro.>
- Output control>
First page> Number of the first page of the current registro.> This must belower than the number that you enter in the Pages per book> fieldand greater than 1, since page 1 is reserved for the termos deabertura.> Pages per book> Maximum number of pages per book, usually 500.
- Reporting period>
Posting period> The month that the registro> is to cover. Fiscal year> The year that the registro> is to cover. In the report printout, the pages are numbered. They are not shown inthe screen output, however. Optional selection criteria
- Selection criteria for materials>
Material number> The material numbers that the registro> is to cover.Output For each of the chosen materials, the report generates a list of allthe movements that lead to a change in stock quantity. The movementsare sorted according to the date on which the (standard) materialdocuments were posted, and, at the material number/valuationarea/valuation type level, by material. A new page is started for each material. For each combination of material number, valuation area, and valuationtype, the report shows the following information:
- Material number
- Valuation area
- Valuation type
- NCM code and description
- Unit of measure
- Balance at start of chosen period (quantity and value)
- Balance at end of chosen period (quantity and value)
This information is followed by a list of the individual goodsmovements.