Programme SAP ISU_XPRA_IN_ERDB - XPRA: Invoicing: 1.1B -> x.xx: ERDB Adjust (Document Cluster)

This report converts the table ERDB during the upgrade of IS-U/CCSRelease 1.1B to one of the following releases.
In the table ERDB, the numbers of the contract accounting documentscorresponding to each IS-U print document are saved. In Release 1.1Bthe table ERDB contains no entry for the contract accounting documentfrom billing and invoicing, since this document has the same number asthe print document. In Release 1.2 an entry is written for eachdocument. In addition, the different contract accounting documentsgenerated are identified by means of the indicator DOC_ID.
The report includes the following processes:

  • Generation of a new entry in the table ERDB for print documents for
  • which a contract accounting document from invoicing exists.
    • Insertion of an entry in the DOC_ID field for all existing entries in
    • the table ERDB.
      • Selection of the ERDB_V field in the print document table ERDK for all
      • print documents for which entries exist in the table ERDB.
        Production operation cannot continue until the conversion has beenprocessed without errors.


        The number of data records converted. If the report is called more thanonce, this number might also be zero.