Programme SAP ISCDXPRA10 - XPRA for Conversion of Default Account Values Rel 4.64

XPRA for grouping default values for the contract account category andaccount creation variant


Grouping Customizing for Default Values for the Contract AccountCategory and Account Creation Variant
Previously, the default values for the automatic creation of a newcontract account were maintained in two Customizing transactions. Thedefault values were entered separately for the contract accountcategory and the account creation variant. With Release 4.64, these twovalues are grouped together in a single transaction.
For fields that can be defined for the insurance object as well as thecontract account, you can use a flag to determine whether the valuefrom the insurance object is to be used in the case of an accountcreation variant.
Two default values are defined for the account relationship field. Onevalue for the account creation and a second one if just one new partneris to be added to the account. The reason for this is that there can bejust one partner as account holder for each account. The first valueindicates the account holder.
The contract account category is maintained as a mandatory entry in theaccount creation variant. This means that no input is permitted for thedefault value for the #VKTYP# field.
The account creation variant is specified as a mandatory entry in thecontract account category. The account creation variant is used toreference the default values for this account creation variant in thecontract account category, which means that the default values for thecontract account category are read.

XPRA functions
If no contract account category has been specified in the accountcreation variant, this is determined from the default value for the#VKTYP# field. You should be able to determine a contract accountcategory from the available Customizing entries for every creationvariant.
As the default values for contract account categories will bedetermined from the default values for the account creation variant,the contract account categories must be assigned to an account creationvariant. If automatic assignment is not possible, an account creationvariant is automatically created in a free number range, and this isassigned to the contract account category. This automatically createdaccount creation variant includes the availabale default values for thecontract account category.
The default values from the contract account category and the accountcreation variant are mixed. If default values are available for thesame field in the Customizing tables from the contract account categoryand the account creation variant, the value is taken from the accountcreation variant.
The old table entries for the account creation variants and theassociated default values are deleted, and replaced by the entries thathave been determined. Default values for the contract account categoryfield are no longer defined in the #VKTYP# field, but are specified inte table entry for the contract account category.
Default values for the TKKVKONTO account are deleted, as long as thesecan be transferred to the default values for the account creationvariant.
