Title Call Installation Reports Purpose The reports to be executed as part of a Smart Implementation should becalled via a common interface. This interface is the report INST_BCCUST_START>.Integration The report INST_BCCUST_START >is called at operating system levelor via transaction INST_CUSTOM > as part of the Smart Implementation.Prerequisites The installation reports to be executed must be entered in the tableINSTCNTL>. There they are assigned to a particular release andsoftware component, and are given a fixed sequence number thatdetermines when they are executed. The selection parameters for the installation report must be storedunder the corresponding parameter name in the table INSTPARA>.Features Selection The report INST_BCCUST_START >is called for every installationreport to be executed. To determine the exact report,INST_BCCUST_START >requires the following parameters:
- COMP >= Software component
- OFFLINE >= SPACE or X depending on whether INST_BCCUST_START
>is called online or at operating system level by RFC.
- SELNR >= Sequence number of the report to be executed according
to the table INSTCNTL>. A value table can also be transferred ifthe report is called online.Activities First the report INST_BCCUST_START >determines the releases ofthe software components in the system. Then it reads the installation reports defined for the softwarecomponent COMP >and the sequence number transferred to SELNR> from table INSTCNTL>. It also reads the parameters defined in the table INSTPARA>. For every selected installation report, the check routine named intable INSTCNTL> is called and checks the start prerequisites forthe installation report. If the check routine returns the parameter RUN = N>, thenINST_BCCUST_START >terminates with an error message. RUN = Y> means that the authorization check defined in the tableINSTCNTL >will run. If the authorization check ends with a return code, thenINST_BCCUST_START >terminates with an error message. After a successful authorization check, the selection parameters of theinstallation report are determined. The system looks for an entry inthe table INSTPARA > that matches the selection parameters. The installation report is called with the parameters determined in thetable INSTPARA>. The following exceptions exist:
- The parameter CALL_BY >is filled with INST_BCCUST_START>.
- The parameter RELEASE >is filled with the current release of the
software component.
- The parameter SEQNR >contains the sequence number of the
installation report named in the table INSTCNTL>. If the installation report schedules jobs on its side, the job namesand job numbers are written to the table INSTCNTLJ>. In thiscase, the report INST_BCCUST_START >ends and must be called againafter the jobs finish.