Programme SAP IHC_CASH_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFER - Transfer of IHC Financial Status to Cash Management

This program creates the financial status of an in-house cash center andupdates the data in the cash management system.

The data is updated with the IHC_BADI_TRANS_CM Business Add-In (BAdI).SAP delivers the IHC_CM_TRANSF_SAPCM reference implementation whichupdates the data in component SAP Cash Management. The currentoverall status is transferred in each run as cash management line items.Existing line items in SAP Cash Management are deleted.
Note that the cash management data transferred here does not haveanything to do with the cash management data updated from the G/Laccounts of the general ledger. The IHC G/L accounts for general ledgertransfer cannot be connected to SAP Cash Management to preventIHC data from being updated twice.
Create a customer implementation for the BadI if you want to forward thedata to a different cash management system.

The report can be planned periodically. This can be done via jobmanagement or the schedulemanager. Note that large numbers of accounts and value dates can leadto considerable runtimes.

The financial status takes the value-date based balances of the accountsand planned items defined in the cash management variant. The data isselected on the basis of a time period which you can enter relatively (acertain number of days) or absolutely. You can run the report insimulation mode.

The result of the data transfer is output as an application log.

You can check the consistency of your settings in the SAP In-HouseCash and SAP Cash Management components with theIHC_CASH_MANAGEMENT_CHECK report.