Programme SAP H99U_CONVERSION_46C -

Conversion of Payroll Results for Release 4.6C for the USA/Canada

This program carries out the necessary conversion of clusters RU and RKin table PCL2. In this way the cluster objects, which contain cumulatedvalues (for example, table CRT), are enhanced. If the start release ofyour upgrade is lower than 4.0, this report also contains the XPRAprogram RPU40ACD to convert table PCL2 from Release3.x to 4.0.
We recommend that you do not start the program directly, but process itin parallel using report H99U_CONVERSION_SCHEDULER orH99U_ABKRS_CONV_SCHEDULER. See also the release note "Conversionof Payroll Results for Out-of-Sequence Check Processing".

Conversion of the CD/CU Cluster RPU40ACD only needs to be completedsuccessfully for all personnel numbers before you run this report, ifyour start release for the upgrade is lower than 4.0. Report RPU40ACDnormally runs as XPRA in the Release 3.x -> 4.x- upgrade.


On the selection screen you can directly select the client, the clusterto be converted and, for test purposes, the personnel numbers to beconverted.

Two standard variants SAP&PROD and SAP&TEST are provided for parallelprocessing. The selection fields mentioned above are filled by thescheduler; only the test switch is set differently.

Statistics of the converted records are printed.

See also
For more information, see the following sources:

  • ... Release information

  • Conversion of Payroll Results forOut-of-Sequence Check Processing
    • ... The above documentation for conversion program

      • ... The documentation for the parallel processing programs


307747Automatic filling of HRPY_RGDIR and HRPY_WPBP
374172Q&A: Master Note for Conversions/Upgrades - Canada.
488510H99U_CONVERSION_46C: Performance corrections
498520CONV: H99U_CONVERSION_46C: Performance improvement.
389079Q&A New CRT/TCRT functionality in 4.6C
320378CONV2000: Mandatory fix to apply before 4.6C Payroll convrsn
307834CONV2000: Mandatory transport if upgrading to 4.6C, HRSP1/2