Programme SAP H99UDEL_T52RIC - Display/delete entries from table T52RIC

You can use this report to display or delete entries in table T52RIC(Retroactive Changes to Off-Cycle Infotypes) for a certainpersonnel number.
The system creates entries in table T52RIC if you have created resultsfrom off-cycle runs of type A (Bonus Payment) or C (Manualcheck) that have to have payroll run for them again. This can be thecase, for example, if you make changes to a bonus after payroll has beenrun for this bonus run. Using table T52RIC ensures that the system alsotakes these bonus runs correctly into account in retroactive accountingruns.
Only delete entries from table T52RIC when you are sure that they areincorrect and that deleting them will not lead to inconsistencies.

If you want to display entries from table T52RIC you must havethe authorization to read the infotype Payroll Status (0003) forthe relevant personnel number.
If you want to delete entries from table T52RIC you must have thefollowing authorizations:

  • Call transaction Change payroll status (PU03)

  • Read infotype Payroll Status for the relevant personnel number

  • Change infotype Payroll Status for the relevant personnel number
  • Selection
    Enter the personnel number for which you want to display or deleteentries from table T52RIC.
    If you start the report using the ABAP Editor you can onlydisplay entries. You can only delete entries using the transactionChange payroll status (PU03).

    On the screen Entries of table T52RIC the system displays allrelevant entries for the required personnel number. If you select anentry and choose Delete, the system removes the entry from tableT52RIC.
    The system does not show the Delete push button in the followingcases:

    • You have chosen Display.

    • You have accessed the report using the ABAP Editor.

    • You cannot delete the displayed entries in these cases, but you can seethe relevant entries for each personnel number, if you have readauthorization for the infotype Payroll status.