Programme SAP H00RSM_EXPRSM1_SUB - Time data download: Start export program

Time Data Upload for SAP CAMPBELL

This report provides the StaffWorks and Time&Attendanceapplications from SAP CAMPBELL with time evaluation results. No payrollresults are provided.

In the branch stores, Staffworks is implemented for shiftplanning and Time&Attendance for time recording. Theseapplications run locally on their own databases.
Time evaluation is carried out at headquarters on the time datauploaded from the branch stores.
Time evaluation results (time wage types, absence quotas) are returnedto the branch stores by IDoc.

The Interface Toolbox is used to extract the InterfaceFormat RSM1 by the time evaluation results (Connectionto External Payroll Systems) and define the File Layout
RSM1_IDO. The export program H00RSM_EXPRSM1 and the file layoutprogram H00RSM_CONVRSM1_IDO are generated.
The user exits used in file layout RSM1_IDO are defined and documentedin the H00RSM_CONVRSM1_IDO_EXITSprogram.

A payroll area must be specified for this report to determine theperiod but this period is ignored.
The user defines the selection of personnel numbers.

The H00RSM_EXPRSM1 report starts with the following selection criteria:

  • The period is determined up to the current date by the period parameter
  • of the selected payroll area and transferred to the H00RSM_EXPRSM1report. This guarantees that the data selection does not take place fora completed period according to the personnel control record, but for"today's" selected period.
    • The selected personnel numbers are transferred as a list of single
    • selections.