Programme SAP FSBP_TC_SHOW - Total Commitment

You can use this report to display thetotal commitmentindependent of an application. The total commitment is displayedaccording to the selection criteria you have chosen.

You can call the report from the transaction Process BusinessPartner.
When displaying Total Commitment, the report can access all theapplications that were registered inCustomizing for the SAP Business Partner for Financial Services in theIMG activity Make Settings for Total Commitment. The connectionfor the components Account Management (FS-AM) and LoansManagement (FS-CML) is supplied in the standard system.

You have done the following in Customizing for the SAP Business Partnerfor Financial Services under Settings for Financial Services ->Tools -> Total Commitment:

  • You have set up Total Commitment in the IMG activity < LS>Make Settings
  • for Total Commitment
    • You have checked the settings for Total Commitment in the IMG activity
    • Check Settings for Total Commitment
      • You have implemented the required definitions under Business Add-Ins
      • (BadIs)


        • Select the business partner you want to display. If you display the
        • total Commitment from the transaction Process Business Partner,the business partner currently being processed is displayedautomatically.
          • By specifying the call context or the
          • selection variant you choose the totalcommitment to be displayed. If you enter a selection variant to displaythe total commitment, the possible entry of a call context is overriden.
            • You can select a specific layout to display
            • the total commitment. The layout depends on the respectivelist output. In the standard system, SAPoffers the display with the
              SAP List Viewer (ALV) Classic, which allows you to display asimple list and a hierarchically sequential list.
              • You can select a display currency.
              • This can differ from the original currency of the accounts andcontracts. Total Commitment translates the original currency amountsinto the display currency you have selected. In the standard system, thetotal commitment is displayed in the currency EUR.
                • You can select a display language for the total
                • commitment.

                  You can also simplify how the total commitment is displayed by usingvariants.

                  In the standard system, the total commitment data is formatted with theSAP List Viewer (ALV) Classic, which offers integrated print andexport functions.


                  • If you use the SAP List Viewer (ALV) Classic, you can use the
                  • functions provided by this tool. Further information is available in theSAP Library under Cross-Application Components -> GeneralApplication Functions (CA-GTF) -> SAP List Viewer (ALV): Classic.
                    • In the Total Commitment display, you can switch to contract display by
                    • double-clicking on the respective contract.

                      The total commitment for the business partner Mark Adams shows aloan account and a checking account which he shares with his wifeEva Adams.