Programme SAP FSBP_BPPHONGN - Phonetic Search Term

You can use this report program to generate phonetic search terms foryour business partners.
The phonetic search term is formed from the fields name1/last name and name2/first namein table BUT000 (BP: General Data I),and entered in the phonetic search termfield in table BP001 (Treasury Attribute Organisation).
The search term is generated in accordance with the rules that were setin the IMG activity Set Phonetic Search in Customizing for theSAP Business Partner for Financial Services under Settings forFinancial Services-> General Settings-> Business Partner Search.
Execute the report in the following cases:

  • You have made changes to the IMG activity Set Phonetic Search

  • You want to generate missing search terms

  • You want to amend incorrect search terms
  • Prerequisites
    You have made settings for the IMG activity Set Phonetic Search.


    • Business Partner