Purpose You use this program for the initial transfer of DIF occurrences on thenumber of sites delivered by a distribution center. SAP also recommends this program for delta transfers if the effort toevaluate the change pointer is expected to be very high and if thereforealmost all material-distribution-center-combinations have to becalculated. In this case you must not> activate message typeFRE_DIF_NO_SITES.Prerequisites You must activate the Transfer of DIF Occurrences on Number of SitesDelivered by a Distribution Center> to SAP F&R under MaintainBasic Settings for Data Transfer> in Customizing.Selection
- You define the transfer in the DIF Parameter for Number of Delivered
Sites> parameter. Use the following radio buttons to define thetransfer type: Delta Transfer> Initial Transfer without Deleting DIF Occurrences Available> Initial Transfer Deleting DIF Occurrences Available>
- The Relevant Time Period> parameter defines the time period (in
weeks). You can edit this field as you wish in Customizing underMaintain Basic Settings for Data Transfer>.
- All parameters of the Data Selection Options> sub screen are
optional. If you do not make any entries, the system determines all mate rial-distribution-center-combinations that are relevant to F&R material requirements planning. If you make some entries (for example, in the are a of a material), then the system simply performs a merchandize supplyfor the materials available. The number of sites that are delivered withthis material by a distribution center is determined for thematerial-distribution-center-combinations that are relevant to F&Rmaterial requirements planning that fulfill the selection criteria.
- In the Analysis Horizon> sub screen you can use the Start Date
> parameter to define when the system is to start the calculation. Thedefault value at program start is the current date minus the valuedefined (in weeks) in the Relevant Time Period parameter.
- The Transfer Settings>sub screen defines the target system.
- The Options for Parallel Processing> sub screen controls the
sending of data. The Records per Package> parameter specifies thethe size of the work package for parallel processing. The parallelprocessing is thereby executed by using the material. Example:> If you enter the value 8>, the system edits the data for eightmaterials in one parallel process. This normally leads to a largernumber (larger than 8>) of material-distribution-center-combinations in one process.