Programme SAP FOPC_REPORTING_TEST - Perform MIC Report

This program enables you to perform reports for the Management ofInternal Controls (MIC) component. It is possible to perform a reportin the background and send a work item to a user as soon as the reportdata is returned. This means that, in the case of larger reports, a userdoes not have to wait for long periods online until all report data hasbeen read. Instead, the user can access the report from a task withinthe MIC task list.

You have performed Task-SpecificWorkflow Customizing:

  • Processor assignment for task Display Report (TS 75100043)

  • Event linkage for workflow template Display Report (TS 75100028)
  • Features
    The report data is stored until the user closes the task, at which pointthe task disappears from the task list. Each time this program isexecuted, new report data is saved, but the old report data is notoverwritten. If you execute this program on a weekly basis, forexample, and the user retains all tasks in the task list, the user cansee from the tasks how the data has changed.
    Note that the data structure for the reports may change during upgradeto a higher Support Package. In such cases, it is no longer possible tocall up the old report data from the related task.