Programme SAP FMPEB_TAXCALC - Partially Tax-Exempt Organizations: Document Proof

This program generates a list of all tax-relevant posting lines forpartially tax-exempt institutions with information about

  • Tax code

  • Base amount

  • Deductible and non-deductible tax portion

  • Account assignment

  • The list displays the posting information based on the single document.

    In Customizing of Financial Accounting (new) under GeneralLedger Accounting (new) -> Periodic Processing -> Report-> Partially Tax-Exempt Institutions you defined the basicsettings for partially tax-exempt institutions. UnderAssign Tax Codes you also assigned thepartially tax-exempt institutions to a tax code.

    In addition to the standard selection according to company code, fiscalyear, institution, posting date and period, and document number, you canalso use free selections. You can also specify a layout for the outputlist

    The list displays the tax amounts per document. The amounts aresummarized at account assignment level, that is, all lines in the do
    cument with the same account assignment and tax code are output in oneline in the list. In addition to the tax base amount, the list containsthe deductible and non-deductible tax portion. All amounts are given inthe company code currency.
    The list contains a status message for each document. Documents with thestatus green can be interpreted as containing no errors and canbe corrected. Documents with the status yellow can be interpretedbut they cannot be corrected due to limitations in the integration withother components. Documents with the status red cannot beinterpreted. This could be due to processes that are not supported inother components or due to program errors. If the status of a documentis yellow or red , the list contains the cause in thecolumn Report .