Programme SAP FKK_XPRA_FKKVKP_LOCK - XPRA for Transfer of Business Locks from FKKVKP

This report determines which data records contain a value in tableFKKVKP fields MANSP, EZASP or AZASP. This means that a dunning,incoming or outgoing lock was set for these contract accounts.
A data record is set for each of these in table DFKKLOCKS.
The fields are filled as follows:
CLIENT: Same client as in table FKKVKP
LOOBJ1: Contract account number and business partner
LOTYP: 21 (entry from system table TFK080B)
PROID: 01 (dunning lock) or 02 (incoming payment lock)
03 (outgoing payment lock) (entry from system table
LOCKR: The lock reason from the old data fields (MANSP,
EZASP, AZASP) is taken over into this field.
FDATE: An unlimited lock is entered with the start date
TDATE: An unlimited lock is entered with the end date
GPART: Business partner which is assigned to the contract account
and for which these locks were set.
VKONT: Contract account
COND_LOOBJ: Not filled
ACTKEY: Not filled
UNAME: Name of user who executed XPRA
ADATUM: System date at XPRA runtime
AZEIT: System time at XPRA runtime
Once all data records have been successfully created in table DFKKLOCKSa space is entered in fields MANSP, EZASP, AZASP of all data records intable FKKVKP.