Programme SAP FKK_XPRA_DFKKRP_FLAGS - Update of line flags from header data for old returns lots

Update new fields in returns processing

In the table DFKKRK a new field was inserted for Release 4.51 that issynchronized with another field as standard and is only changed inspecial cases. This synchronization must be executed for returns lotscreated with earlier Versions.
Two new fields were inserted into the DFKKRP table at the same timethat must also have standard values so that lots that were created witha Version before 4.51 can be processed correctly.
An error in the process means that the synchronization of these fieldsis incorrect and the charges calculation in particular is not working.This is critical for all returns lots that are still in a processingstatus - that is, open, closed or in postprocessing. In this case youcan execute the report again at any time. All changes already made tothese fields in existing lots are then made invalid.