Paramètre SAP zcsa/tablp_request_unit - Counter for displacement and reorganisation of the partial buffer


Short text
Counter for eviction and reorganization of the table

Parameter description
This parameter triggers the frequency of an eviction and reorganizationrun of the single record buffer. Following each "zcsa/request_unit" readaccess to the buffer, the system checks whether an eviction orreorganization run is to take place. If this value is increased, thereis a risk that the eviction is performed too infrequently and this wouldmean that buffered tables cannot be stored in the buffer. The result canbe a loss in performance because accesses to these tables then go to thedatabase. On the other hand, the value of this parameter must not be settoo low because this could result in the notification mechanism becomingoverloaded and the queue overflowing.
Work area

Who is allowed
SAP and customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter
zsca/tablp_exchange_mode zsca/tablp_reorg_mode