Paramètre SAP snc/enable - Enable SNC-Module (Secure Network Communications)


Short text
Enable SNC Module (Secure Network Communications)

Parameter description
If this parameter is set to "1", the work processes try toactivate/initialize the module SNC (Secure Network Communications) whenstarting up.
If security is activated, by default, all incoming connections areaccepted only if they are secure. If you want to permit conventionalconnections in parallel and use packet filtering routers to partitionthe R/3 system, you need to permit unsecure connections via additionalprofile parameters. In this case, you need to enter"snc/accept_insecure_gui = 1" for the GUI, for example, and "snc/ac
cept_insecure_rfc = 1" or snc/accept_insecure_cpic = 1" for RFC or CPICconnections.
The SNC module requires the file name (including the path) of the sharedlibrary of the external security product. When the SNC module isactivated, this shared library is loaded at runtime. (for example,"snc/gssapi_lib = /usr/local/lib/") If the shared librarycannot be found or loaded, or is not recognized, SncInit() returns theerror SNCERR_INIT and the work process terminates the process.

Work area

Parameter unit

Who is allowed

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

  • snc/gssapi_lib path name of GSS-API shared
  • library
    • snc/identity/as identity of the application
    • server at the external security system
      • snc/accept_insecure_gui permit
      • conventional logon GUI
        • snc/accept_insecure_rfc permit
        • conventional logon RFC
          • snc/accept_insecure_cpic permit
          • conventional logon CPIC
            • snc/data_protection/min minimum
            • requirement to protect the data during transfer
              • snc/data_protection/max limit on the
              • protection of data during the transfer
                • snc/data_protection/use default value
                • for the protection of outgoing connections
                  • snc/r3int_rfc_secure secured connections
                  • also for internal RFCs within the R/3 system
                    • snc/r3int_rfc_qop protection levels for
                    • internal RFCs
                      • snc/permit_insecure_start
                      • permission for the gateway to also start unsecure programs

                        0 or 1