Paramètre SAP snc/data_protection/max - Limit for data protection of Secure Network Comm.


Short text
Limit on the data protection of Secure NetworkCommunicationsThis parameter specifies the data transfer protection forconnections that were initiated by the R/3 System, including caseswhere for the CPI-C or RFC destination used as the QOP (qualityof protection), the use of the maximum is set in theSNC options (QoP=9).The parameter is not an upper limit for incoming or outgoingconnections.You should only change this parameter is if it absolutelynecessary to do so.

Work area

Parameter unit
Integer value

Default value
3 (privacy of data )

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db
Nonesnc/enable - Activate the SNC module(Secure Network Communications)snc/data_protection/min - Lowest
requirement for data transferprotectionsnc/data_protection/use - default
level for data transferprotection<(>><)>= snc/data_protection/use

  • 1 (Secure authentication only)

  • 2 (Data integrity protection)

  • 3 (Data privacy protection)