Paramètre SAP snc/accept_insecure_gui - Accept insecure SAPGUI logins to SNC-enabled Server


Short text
Accept logins from unprotected (non-SNC-secured) SAP GUIs into anSNC-enabled application server
By default, after the Secure Network Communication (SNC) module has beenactivated, the SAP application server rejects all conventional(non-SNC-secured) connection requests from SAP GUIs.
If you want it to continue to be possible to log on with old SAP GUIsand unprotected connections, you need to configure that using thisswitch.
If you continue to permit conventional logons, it is left up to theusers whether they perform secure logons, and protect their data whileit is transferred.

Work area

Parameter unit
Character value

Default value
0 (that is, only secure logons are possible)

Who is allowed

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter
snc/enable - Activation of the SNC module (SecureNetwork Communication)
snc/only_encrypted_gui - Force the useof encrypted SAP GUI connections

  • 0 insecure logons are not permitted

  • 1 insecure logons are permitted

  • U insecure logons are permitted on a user-specific basis, depending on
  • the indicator in the user master record