Paramètre SAP rsdb/reco_ping_cmd - Syntax of the ping command


Short text
Syntax of the ping command

Parameter description
In the parallel database environment it is checked whether the previousdatabase instance can still be accessed during the DB reconnect. To doso, a ping is issued for the server of the previous database instance,if the parameter above is defined. The ping checks whether the previousdatabase server can still be accessed. The default value ofrsdb/reco_ping_cmd depends on the platform.
For example: rsdb/reco_ping_cmd =/etc/ping hostname 64 2
In the R/3 kernel, "hostname" is replaced with the correct host name ofthe previous database server.

Work area

Default value

Who is allowed
Customer after discussion with SAP

Limitation for os
UNIX only

Limitation for db
Parallel databases

Other parameter
rsdb/reco_ping_cmd =varstring1 hostname varstring2