Paramètre SAP rsdb/prefer_fix_blocking - Set if fix blocking for FOR ALL ENTRIES is desired


Short text
Set if fix blocking for FOR ALL ENTRIES is desir

Parameter description
This parameter is only intended for internal use and must not be changedwithout explicit instruction from SAP.
An internal table [itab] with entry data is always returned to an ABAPSELECT query with the addition FOR ALL ENTRIES. If the number of entriesin [itab] cannot be divided by the maximum blocking factor (that is,max_(in_)blocking_factor or the technical blocking factor limit), thenfewer entries (conditions) land on the last statement that was createdfor the processing of the FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. A new statement isproduced. If the same FOR ALL ENTRIES statement is executed very oftenwith a different number of entries in the input table [itab] thendifferent statements up to the maximum blocking factor can be created.This can be avoided by setting this parameter. If this parameter is setto '1' then a maximum of two differently long statements are produced.This occurs by the last entry in the input table being repeated as if[itab] has implicitly been filled to the blocking factor ([itab] is notreally modified).

Work area

Parameter unit
1 / 0

Default value
The default value is database-dependent. A common, artifical value (-1)must be specified for technical reasons. The original default values arespecified below for each database system. Caution: As these values arechanged by kernet patches, take the current default values from SAP Note48230.
MS SQL Server

Other parameter
rsdb/max_blocking_factor, rsdb/max_in_blocking_factor