Paramètre SAP rsau/SQL-Audit/filesize - Maximum Size of a File of the SQL Audit


Short text
Maximum size of the SQL_Audit files

Parameter description
Maximum size of a file that the SQL audit generates. If this isexceeded, the current file is closed and another file is opened. (Inextreme cases, an SQL audit file can be larger than the parameterspecifies.)
The SQL audit files can be very large. The administrator needs to ensurethat there is enough disk space available.
If only a whole number is specified, the unit is bytes. If a "k" or "K"(without a space) directly follows a whole number, the unit iskilobytes. If an "m" or "M" (without a space) directly follows the wholenumber, the unit is counted in megabytes.

Work area

  • Whole number without suffix: Unit Bytes

  • Whole number with suffix "k" or "K": Unit Kilobytes

  • Whole number with suffix "m" or "M": Unit Megabytes
  • Default value
    645M (marginally less capacity than a CD)

    Who is allowed

    Limitation for os
    (No restriction)

    Limitation for db
    (No restriction)

    Other parameter
    This parameter is only relevant if the SQL audit is activated using theparameter rsau/SQL-Audit/switch.

    • Whole number => Unit Bytes

    • Whole number with suffix "k" or "K" (without blank) => Unit Kilobytes

    • Whole number with suffix "m" or "M" (without blank) => Unit Megabytes