Paramètre SAP rsau/max_diskspace/per_file - Maximum size of one single security audit file


Short text
Maximum size of one single security audit file

Parameter description
The parameter specifies the maximum size of a security audit file. Thismeans the file size can be adjusted to the requirements of any availablearchiving software. For example, the size can be restricted to 650megabytes in order to be able to archive on normal CDs. If this size isreached, then a new audit file is started. The counter in the file nameis then increased by one for the new file.
Only when this parameter is greater than zero can more than one auditfile be created each day. In this case the file name of the audit failesalso changes (see parameter FN_AUDIT).

Work area

  • Whole number without suffix: Unit Bytes

  • Whole number with suffix "k" or "K": Unit Kilobytes

  • Whole number with suffix "m" or "M": Unit Megabytes
  • Default value
    0 (= only one audit file each day, as before 4.6A)

    Who is allowed

    Limitation for os

    Limitation for db
    This parameter is only relevant if
    - Parameter rsau/enable has value 1 (audit is activated) or audit withtransaction SM19 is activated dynamically.
    If the parameter is set greater than zero, then the parameter FN_AUDITmust be converted to the necessary file name template. In addition tothis the parameter rsau/max_diskspace/per_day must be set with a valuethat is at least three times larger.

    • Whole number => Unit Bytes

    • Whole number with suffix "k" or "K" (without blank) => Unit Kilobytes

    • Whole number with suffix "m" or "M" (without blank) => Unit Megabytes

    • The maximum size is 2 GB (= 2.147.483.647 Bytes).
      The minimum size is 1 MB (= 1.048.576 Bytes). A smaller value is changesby the kernel to 1 MB.
      Entries in bytes are converted internally into kilobytes.