Paramètre SAP rdisp/verbose_level - Verbose level (for short dumps, system log, ..)


Short text
verbose level (for short dumps, system log, ..)This parameter specifies the level at which the system logs errors.ABAP short dumps and Syslog entries are included in this. Theparameter is, however, only valid for processing plug-in requests.The normal system error reporting is not influenced by it. Whenexecuting HTTP requests in particular, you can use this parameter toavoid the system being tied up with the writing of shortdumps and soon due to incorrect requests.

Work area

Parameter unit
Special character string

Default value

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter
NoThe possible values are:

  • full Errors are logged in their full length

  • short Errors are logged in shortened length

  • off Errors are not logged