Paramètre SAP gw/sim_mode - Startet den Simulations Modus für reg_info und sec_info


Short text
Starts the simulation mode for reg_info and sec_info

Parameter description
See also SAP Note 1689663.
Until now, it has been possible to use SAP Note 1425765 to create areg_info or a sec_info file based on the data in SM59 (more precisely:in table RFCDES). The Access Control List (ACL) files created in thisway can be activated immediately during productive operation, but thisdoes not guarantee that the start behavior is correctly mapped in theACL files for dynamic RFC destinations or connections between twoexternal programs through the gateway. That is, malfunctions often occurduring productive operation if these files are immediately put intooperation.
If you assign the value 1 to the parameter, the gateway processes therules in reg_info and sec_info as follows:
o If an applicable PERMIT rule is found, the request is permitted, aspreviously.
o If an applicable DENY rule is found, the request is denied, aspreviously.
o If NO applicable rule is found, the request was previously denied.Now, in this "fallthrough" case, the request is permitted and a specificentry is written to the gateway log file defined with gw/logging (seeSAP Note 910919).
That is, all start attempts (sec_info) or registrations andcommunication with registered programs (reg_info) that are not explicitl
y specified in rules are permitted (gw/sim_mode = 1) or continue to beforbidden (gw/sim_mode = 0, default).

Work area

Parameter unit

Default value
0 (not active)

Who is allowed
Customer is permitted to make changes.

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter

0 or 1