Parameter dynpro/global_fields Short text Enables/disables the use of global fields. Parameter description The 'Global fields' function is not normally active, the parameter isset to 'NO'. The documentation for transaction SHDG provides the detailsof this function. If you need to use the 'Global fields' function, youmust proceed as follows:
- Create and maintain table SHDGV with transaction SHDG.
- Set the profile parameter dynpro/global_fields to YES.
- Restart the system.
- The 'Global fields' function is now active.
Work area Dynp Parameter unit None. Default value NO. Who is allowed System administrator Limitation for os None. Limitation for db None. Other parameter No. If the value of the parameter begins with the letter 'Y' (or 'y'), thelogical value 'YES' is assumed, otherwise 'NO'.