Paramètre SAP rdisp/TRACE_RESOLUTION - Maximum number of time stamps in tracefile per second


Short text
Maximum number of time stamps in trace file persecondYou can use this parameter to control the frequency of time stampsin trace files. It specifies how many times per second a time stampis to be written. The default value for this parameter is 1, whichmeans that there is (at least) one second between the time stamps.If the parameter has the value 10, there is (at least) 100ms betweenthe time stamps.
The value 0 deactivates the writing of time stamps.
In the case of a parameter value <(>><)> 0, the milliseconds of thetime stamp are displayed in the following format:
"Fri Sep 3 14:47:54:433 2004"

Work area

Parameter unit
Numerical value

Default value

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db
NoneSpecification of the trace level with rdisp/TRACE


  • 0 No time stamps are written at all

  • 1 A maximum of one time stamp per second is written
  • (previous behavior)
    • 5 A maximum of five time stamps are written per second
    • (there are at least 200ms between the time stamps)
      • 10 A maximum of ten time stamps are written per second
      • (there are at least 100ms between the time stamps)