Paramètre SAP rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS - Maximum roll file size


Short text
Maximum size of roll fileThe value specifies the size of the roll file in 8KB blocks.The roll file is used to store part of the user contextsfrom the roll area.
AimMust be sufficiently large. A measurement that is too large doesnot cause any problems.
Windows NT
Standard value is calculated from the profileparameter PHYS_MEMSIZE.

Parameter unit
8 KB blocks

Default value
2000 (other)
= [UC] * 100 (Windows NT)
( [UC] = Max. number of users calculated from theprofile parameter PHYS_MEMSIZE)

Proposed value
8192 (64MB)

Who is allowed
The customerNo manual maintenance required for Microsoft Windows NTztta/roll_area
buffered data does not require any spacein the roll file.

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Limitation for db