Paramètre SAP rdisp/max_wprun_time - Maximum work process run time


Short text
Max workprocess run timeThis parameter limits the maximum runtime of a process step withina dialog process.This ensures that dialog processes are not blocked by programs withlong runtimes which hinder online operation.After the maximum runtime has expired, the program terminates in two

  • If the program is currently executing ABAP commands, the ABAP
  • processor terminates the program.
    • If the program is hanging in an external command, such as SQL, the
    • entire work process is terminated after a second time period of amaximum of 60 seconds, and the user context is reset after theprocess restart.
      An ABAP short dump is generated in both cases.

      Work area
      SystemThe value can be specified with or without a time unit. If you donot specify a time unit, the system uses seconds as the unit.Alternatively, you can specify M for minutes or H for hours. Therecan be spaces between the value and the unit.

      • 300 300 seconds

      • 2 M 2 minutes

      • 3H 3 hours
      • Default value
        600 seconds

        Who is allowed
        The customer

        Limitation for os

        Limitation for db

        Other parameter

        Character string