Paramètre SAP rdisp/jvm_pool_timeout - Timeout for pooled java VMs


Short text
Timeout for pooled Java VMsThis parameter defines the length of time after which a Java VMthat is in a pool can be deleted again. This only happens, if thedeletion does not mean that there are fewer VMs in the pool than theminimum number defined by the parameter

Work area
DispatcherThe value can be specified with or without a time unit. If you donot specify a time unit, the system uses seconds as the unit.Alternatively, you can specify M for minutes or H for hours. Therecan be spaces between the value and the unit.

  • 300 300 seconds

  • 2 M 2 minutes

  • 3H 3 hours
  • Default value
    1800 seconds

    Who is allowed
    The customer