Paramètre SAP ms/max_vhost - maximum number of virtual hosts


Short text
Maximum number of virtual hostsMaximum number of virtual hosts that the message server can open.Each HTTP or HTTPS port can be assigned a virtual host (additionVHOSTIDX for ms/server_port_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>).As soon as an HTTP request is directed to the message server througha port of this type, only application servers that have also openeda virtual host with this index are taken into account for the loaddistribution.A dynamic change for this parameter only takes effect on applicationservers that log onto the message server after the change.The number of HTTP, HTTPS, and virtual hosts must not exceed thetotal number of ports ( ms/http_max_ports ).

Work area
Message server

Parameter unit
Integer value

Default value

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Integer value