Paramètre SAP login/show_detailed_errors - show detailed login error messages


Short text
Show detailed error messages at logon

Parameter description
If a logon attempt fails, in some cases detailed error messages aredisplayed that could provide a possible attacker with information aboutthe existence of a user. On the other hand, error messages of this typeare very helpful for legitimate useres and can help to reduce queries tothe system administrator. You can use this profile parameter to choosethe desired behavior.
The Security Audit Log and the trace information contain the detailederror codes in any case (see also: SAP Note 320991), to allow the systemoperator to analyze logon problems.
Examples of (too) detailed error messages:
- Password logon no longer possible - too many failed attempts
- You have no password; you cannot log on using a password
- Password was not used for a long period and therefore deactivated
- SNC required for this connection
- SNC name and specified user/client do not match
- Log on using SSO ticket denied due to security guideline
If login/show_detailed_errors = 0 is set, only the following generalerror message is always displayed instead of the detailed errormessages:
- Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)

Work area

Default value

Who is allowed

0,,Only display general error message
1,,Display detailed error messages