Paramètre SAP login/password_history_size - Number of records to be stored in the password history


Short text
Size of Password History
This parameter specifies the size of the password history. The passwordhistory is consulted whenever a user choose a new password. The systemrejects any passwords that are saved in the password history.
This prevents the user from ignoring the guideline requiring passwordsto be changed at regular intervals.
Only passwords that the user chose (when previously changing thepassword) are stored in the password history. Passwords assigned by theadministrator are not stored in the password history. When theadministrator sets passwords, the system does not check whether thepassword to be set has already been used by the user; otherwise, theadministrator could discover the user's previous password in this way.

Work area

Parameter unit
Number of entries

Default value

Who is allowed

  • login/password_expiration_time

  • login/password_change_waittime
  • Valid_values
    1 - 100