Paramètre SAP login/password_hash_algorithm - encoding and hash algorithm used for new passwords


Short text
Format and hash algorithm for new passwordsSince SAP_BASIS 7.02, password hash values are calculated with astandardized hash procedure. This is usually the "(random) salted"hash procedure; with this method, a randomly-generated value("salt") is also used, in addition to the password, to calculate thepassword hash value; the hash value calculation can also beperformed more than once successively (that is, iterated), to makedictionary and brute force attacks more difficult.If you are using iterated hash procedures, you need to balanceperformance loss and security gain.This profile parameter is evaluated when calculating new passwordhash values (but not, however, when checking password hash valuesat logon), to determine the hash procedure and the coding format.Normally, you should not need to change the value from the defaultvalue specified by the kernel.In this way, you automatically profit from continual furtherdevelopment in the area of password hash procedures.More information: SAP Note 991968.

Work area

Parameter unit
Special character string

Default value
Depends on the current kernel version

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db
NoneIf profile parameter login/password_downwards_compatibilityis set to the value 5, only old hash values are created. In thiscase, this profile parameter has no effect.encoding=[format], algorithm=[algorithm], saltsize=[number of bits]With some hash algorithms, you also need to make additionalspecifications. For example, with the hash algorithm "iSSHA-1", youneed to specify the number of iterations:algorithm=iSSHA-1, iterations=[number of hash iterations]The list of supported algorithms and coding formats is not static.Additional algorithms and coding formats can be provided by newkernel versions. This documentation can therefore be incomplete.For a complete list of all supported procedures and the associatedparameter format specifications, which is always kept up-to-date,refer to SAP Note 991968.