Paramètre SAP icm/server_port_ - ICM server specification


Short text
ICM server specificationYou can use this parameter to specify the service/port and thekeepalive timeout to be used for a protocol. You can optionallyspecify a service name or the port number.
You can also set the following options for the parameter:

  • Timeout Options: There are two timeouts that can be configured:
  • The network timeout TIMEOUT and the processing timeoutPROCTIMEOUT. The period is specified with theparameter value <(><<)>timeout<(>><)> (in seconds). The value -1
    deactivatesthe timeout. If the option is not set, the value is specified bythe parameter icm/keep_alive_timeout.(Note that the user context in the work process is not closedafter this period of time. This timeout is defined by the profileparameter rdisp/plugin_auto_logout.)The processing timeout PROCTIMEOUT defines how long the ICM waitsfor the response from the backend (AS ABAP or AS Java) before itreturns an error (ETIMEOUT) to the client.
    • Use an external binding program: To bind ports <(><<)> 1024 under UNIX,
    • extend this parameter using the (optional) specificationEXTBIND=1. The icmbnd then binds the port and transfers it to theICM.
      • Do not bind port to all host names: You can use the optional
      • parameter HOST=<(><<)>host name or IP address<(>><)> to specify that
        the portis not to be bound to all host names (default), but only to thosespecified.
        • SSL configuration with the argument SSLCONFIG (refer to parameter
        • icm/ssl_config_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> ).
          • X.509 certificate: You can use the optional parameter VCLIENT to
          • specify whether the client must produce an X.509 certificate ifSSL is used.There are three levels of verification in total (0-2):
            • 0: No certificate is required, and the server does not request a
            • certificate.
              • 1: The server requests that the client transfers a certificate.
              • If the client does not send a certificate, authentication isperformed using a different method (such as Basic)(default setting).
                • 2: A client must transfer a valid certificate to the server.
                • Otherwise, access is denied.This server-specific value overrides the value set with parametericm/HTTPS/verify_client.If you specify an SSL configuration with SSLCONFIG, do notspecify VCLIENT here.
                  • ACLFILE: This addition specifies the file that is
                  • used as an Access Control List (ACL).If the profile parameter is set, the file must exist and besyntactically correct.The syntax of the ACL file is described in
                    ACL-Syntax.Behavior of the ICM or Web Dispatcher in the case of a missing orincorrect (syntactically-incorrect) ACL file:
                    When starting the ICM or Web Dispatcher, the start is prevented,that is, the ICM or Web Dispatcher terminates immediately.When attempting to assign or load an incorrect ACL file into anexisting service, the new file is ignored and an existing ACL fileremains active.

                    Work area
                    Internet Communication Manager

                    Parameter unit
                    Special character string

                    Default value

                    Who is allowed
                    The customer

                    Limitation for os

                    Limitation for db
                    You can define an SSL configuration with parametericm/ssl_config_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> and reference it from here.
                    It is not possible to bind multiple services to one port.It is also not possible to start a service if another program isalready using the port/service.
                    PROT=<(><<)>Protocol name<(>><)>, PORT=<(><<)>Port or service
                    name<(>><)> [,TIMEOUT=<(><<)>keep alive timeout<(>><)>, PROCTIMEOUT=<(><<)>processing
                    timeout<(>><)>,EXTBIND=1, HOST=<(><<)>host name<(>><)>,
                    SSLCONFIG=ssl_config_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>,VCLIENT=<(><<)>SSL client verification<(>><)>]
                    for example PROT=HTTP, PORT=8080, TIMEOUT=15
                    or PROT=HTTP, PORT=80, TIMEOUT=30, EXTBIND=1,
                    or PROT=HTTPS, PORT=443, TIMEOUT=15, PROCTIMEOUT=45, VCLIENT=0
                    or PROT=HTTPS, PORT=443, SSLCONFIG=ssl_config_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>,ACLFILE=<(><<)>file name of the access control list<(>><)>