Paramètre SAP icm/keep_alive_timeout - Keep alive timeout for inactive connections


Short text
keep alive timeout for inactive connectionsIf no communication takes place over an existing connection for morethan a certain length of time, the connection is closed by ICM. Thestandard value for the timeout is set with this parameter, but canoverridden for each service (see below).A value of -1 deactivates the timeout. The connection is then neverclosed by the ICM.
CautionNote that the user context in the work process is not closed afterthis period of time. That timeout is defined using the profileparameter rdisp/plugin_auto_logout.

Work area
Internet Communication Manager

Parameter unit

Default value

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db
You can override the standard value using the parametericm/server_port_<(><<)>xxx<(>><)>