Parameter icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> Short text specify URL prefix and file system root of ICMserver cacheYou can use this parameter to define the URI prefix and the targetdirectory for the internal ICM HTTP server cache. Syntaxicm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> = PREFIX=<(><<)>uri prefix<(>><)>, CACHEDIR=<(><<)>dir<(>><)> Explanation <(><<)>xx<(>><)> the number of the entry to be specifiedYou can specify multiple assignments between URI prefix andcache directory, numbered ascendingly from zero. (We recommend,however, that you only use one assignment.) <(><<)>uri prefix<(>><)> All HTTP-URIs that begin with this character stringare routed through the ICM cache, that is, the systemchecks if there is already a suitable HTTP response to therequest in the ICM cache, and if so, it is sent directly(without passing through the application server) from the cacheto the HTTP client (browser). <(><<)>dir<(>><)> complete file system path for the directory(in the local file system of the appropriateapplication server) in which the data held in the cacheshould be stored. Exampleicm/HTTP/server_cache_0= PREFIX=/foo/bar, CACHEDIR=/usr/cachedirThis means all HTTP requests whose URI path begins with "/foo/bar"are routed through the cache to directory "/usr/cachedir". Defaulticm/HTTP/server_cache_0 = PREFIX=/, CACHEDIR=$(DIR_DATA)/cacheBy default, all HTTP requests (prefix "/") are routed through thecache, which is in the standard "DATA" directory of theapplication server instance. Work area Internet Communication Manager Parameter unit see description above Default value PREFIX=/, CACHEDIR=$(DIR_DATA)/cache Who is allowed The customerPath delimiters for CACHEDIR should be entered as "\" (backslash)under Microsoft Windows NT and as "/" (slash) in UNIX. Limitation for db -All of the other parameters that are related to the ICM cache areset up following a similar schema. For example: icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/size_MB icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/memory_size_MB icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/max_entries icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/max_name_len icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/clear icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/expiration icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/ufo_list icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/max_ufo_entries icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/ufo_expiration Valid_values see aboveicm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/memory_size_MB icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/max_entries icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/max_name_len icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/clear icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/expiration icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/ufo_list icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/max_ufo_entries icm/HTTP/server_cache_<(><<)>xx<(>><)>/ufo_expiration Valid_values see above |