Paramètre SAP icm/HTTP/logging_client_ - Specify HTTP client logging in ICM


Short text
Specify HTTP client logging in ICMYou can use this parameter to control the logging for outbound HTTPrequests; that is, when the SAP Web AS is acting as the client.The arguments for the parameters are exactly the same as those foricm/HTTP/logging_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> .

  • The names for the log files for inbound and outbound requests
  • must be different; that is, you cannot write both directions toone file.
    • You can only install one log handler for client requests (you can
    • install multiple handlers for the server side).

      Work area
      Internet Communication Manager

      Parameter unit
      character string

      Who is allowed
      The customer

      Limitation for os

      Limitation for db