Paramètre SAP icm/HTTP/logging_ - Specify HTTP logging in ICM


Short text
specify HTTP logging in ICMYou can use this parameter to control HTTP logging.
The parameter has the following syntax:icm/HTTP/logging_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> = PREFIX=<(><<)>URL prefix<(>><)>,
LOGFILE=<(><<)>Name of thelog file<(>><)>, [, LOGFORMAT=<(><<)>format of the entries<(>><)>,
FILTER=SAPSMDMAXSIZEKB=<(><<)>max. size of the log file<(>><)>,SWITCHTF=<(><<)>options for new trace file<(>><)>, FILEWRAP=on]The specifications have the following meaning:
URL prefix, for which this HTTP subhandler should be called(such as "/").
Name of the output file in file system.So that the files have meaningful names, you can use thefollowing options for specifying the log files:

  • %d day in month (1-31)

  • %m month in year (1-12)

  • %y 4 character year in format YYYY

  • %h hour (0-23)

  • %t minute (0-59)

  • %s seconds (0-59)

  • %% '%' character

  • LOGFILE=access_log-%d-%m-%y_%h:%t:%sproduces a log file with the name: access_log-15-12-2000_16:51:53
    There are the following predefined formats for log files:CLF (Common Logfile Format) with the format: - - [15/Dec/2000:16:18:35 +0100]"GET /dummy HTTP/1.0" 200 86
    The CLF format is generated using the following string:%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b
    CLFMOD (Modified Common Logfile Format)The form fields and URI parameters are not written to the tracefile (for security reasons, these values should not be stored inthe log file).
    Example from above: - - [15/Oct/2005:16:18:35 +0100] "GET/dummy HTTP/1.0" 200 86SAP (SAP Logfile Format), with which the processingtime in the application server in milliseconds is alsooutput:
    Example from above:
    [15/Oct/2005:15:41:35 +0100] - - "GET /dummyHTTP/1.0" 200 86 10SAPSMD (Log format for tracking HTTP requests using the HTTP headerfield X-CorrelationID)
    Example from above:
    [15/Oct/2005:15:41:35 +0100] - "GET /dummy HTTP/1.0" 200 86[10] h[A7594F39ED9F7C41BABA7397F8070718-1-5] |
    The SAPSMD format is generated by the following string:%t - "%r0" %s %b [%L] h[%{X-CorrelationID}i] |SAPSMD2 (Log format for tracking HTTP requests using the HTTPheader field X-CorrelationID)
    This log format contains the output of the entire requestand response headers.If you want a different format to be written, you can configurethis using the format string:
    You can use the following placeholders:
    • %b Length of the response in bytes

    • %r0 / %r First line of an HTTP request with the original path
    • and form fields, such as GET/sap(bD1kZSZjPTAwMA==)/bc/ping?lang=en HTTP/1.0
      • %r1 First line of an HTTP request with the original path
      • without form fields, such as:GET /sap(bD1kZSZjPTAwMA==)/bc/ping HTTP/1.0
        • %r2 First line of an HTTP request with URL-decoded path
        • without form fields, e.g.: GET /sap/bc/ping HTTP/1.0
          • %f Name of queried object without form fields

          • %U Complete URI of a request (with form fields)

          • %s OK code of the response

          • %p0 Complete original URI of a request (with
          • form fields), equivalent to %U
            • %p1 Complete original URI of a request (w/o form fields)

            • %p2 URL-decoded path without form fields, equivalent
            • to %f
              • %p3 URL-decoded path with form fields

              • %{name}i Name of a request header field, e.g. %{user-agent}i

              • %{name}o Name of a response header field, such as %{server}o

              • %{cookie}c Output of a request cookie

              • %{cookie}C Output of a response cookie

              • %{formfield}F Name of a request form field, such as %{sap-client}F

              • %T Duration of a request in seconds

              • %L Duration of a request in milliseconds

              • %j Protocol: HTTP or HTTPS

              • %h Name of a remote host (of the client, such as a
              • browser)
                • %h0 as %h

                • %h1 If the header field x-forwarded-for is set, the
                • value of the header field, otherwise the name of thedirect host before the ICM (or Web Dispatcher), thatis of the client, such as a browser.
                  • %H Name of the local host

                  • %V Fully qualified host name (FQHN) of the server
                  • (Value of the parameter icm/host_name_full or FQHNof the operating system).
                    • %v Name of the virtual host (IP address or name of the
                    • server with which the client has connected)
                      • %a IP address of the remote host

                      • %S Local port name/service

                      • %l Specification of the "remote log name". This name is
                      • the result of an IDENT request to the client. Thisonly works if IdentityCheck is activatedthere.
                        • %u User name of a 401 authentication

                        • %t Time specification in CLF format:
                        • [15/Dec/2000:16:18:35 +0100]
                          Filters mean that an HTTP request is only logged if aparticular header field exists in the request. If you set
                          FILTER=SAPSMD, an HTTP request is only logged if it containsthe HTTP header field X-CorrelationId.
                          Maximum size of the log file in kilobytes.If this size is exceeded, the current file is closed and a newfile (with a different name) is opened.
                          A new log file can be generated not only when a certainsize is reached, but also on the basis of time changes. You canuse the following values: hour, day, month. After this period oftime expires, a new log file is to be created.
                          FILEWRAP=on means that whenever a new file would bestarted (due to the time or size limit being exceeded), theexisting log file is reset and overwritten. This means that thereis only ever one log file, which contains the current loggingdata.

                          Work area
                          Internet Communication Manager

                          Parameter unit
                          character string

                          Who is allowed
                          The customer

                          Limitation for os

                          Limitation for db
                          NoneThis parameter applies if the ICM is in the server role.If you want to record requests of the ICM as a client, use theparameter icm/HTTP/logging_client_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> .

                          See description