Paramètre SAP icm/HTTP/auth_ - Access Restrictions in the ICM and SAP Web Dispatcher


Short text
Access Restrictions in the ICM and SAP WebDispatcher.You can use this parameter to block the HTTP request using variouscriteria. If it is activated, this filter is run for every HTTP(S)request to the ICM or Web Dispatcher before the request is sent toanother HTTP handler (file access, cache, administration, redirect)or to the backend system (ABAP or J2EE Engine).You can filter requests by the following criteria:

  • URL

  • Client IP address

  • Server IP address

  • User name/user group and password

  • Pattern search in the URL

  • The configuration has the following syntax:
    icm/HTTP/auth_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> = PREFIX=<(><<)>URL
    prefix<(>><)>[,PERMFILE=<(><<)>permission file<(>><)>[,AUTHFILE=<(><<)>authentication file<(>><)>, FILTER=SAP]
    <(><<)>xx<(>><)> must be specified ascending from "0"
    The specifications have the following meanings
    URL prefix for which the subhandler is to be called
    Optional specification. Name of the permission file inthe file system.
    Optional specification. Name of the user file or systemfor authentication using an operating system user
    Optional specification. Name of the profile for thepattern search (default value: SAP). You can deactivatethe filter by changing this to ' '. You can dynamicallyactivate/deactivate by setting csi/enable.

    Work area

    Parameter unit
    character string

    Default value
    icm/HTTP/auth_0= PREFIX=/, FILTER=SAP

    Who is allowed
    The customer

    Limitation for os

    Limitation for db
    Nonecsi/enable Global parameter for
    activating/deactivatingfiltering.csi/SAP/csa_lib Path to the dynamic library
    that is to be loadedto filter the HTTP request.

    See description