Paramètre SAP gw/reg_lb_ip - Define load value for specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses


Short text
Define load value for specific ip adresses or range of ip adresses.

Parameter description
This parameter specifies the load value for an IP address or for a rangeof IP addresses. A host name can be entered in the place of an IPaddress. The gateway then determines the IP address for the host name.
Syntax 155.56.91.*=2 LinuxLab=1
List of IP addresses or host names The corresponding load is output withan equal sign after each IP address. The load is a weighting factor thatspecifies the strength of a particular server. The higher the value, theweaker the server. The maximum value is 1.
For load balancing level 2 (gw/reg_lb_level),the registered program with the smallest load is used.
The load is calculated as follows. When the registered program logs onto the gateway, the IP address is used to determine what the load of theIP address is. The system searches the list in the order specified bythe profile parameter. This value is added to the load when this programreceives a request. If the IP address is not found, the value is takenthat is defined with parameter
This ensures that a strong server is assigned more requests than aweaker server.
A server that registers itself with the gateway receives as initialvalue the highest load of all servers with the same registration ID.
For example:
gw/reg_lb_level = 2
gw/reg_lb_ip = 194.56.48.*=2,194.56.49.*=4
Servers with the IP address 194.56.48.* are given twice as many requestsas servers 194.56.49.* and ten times as many requests as the otherservers.
The list of IP addresses can be changed by dynamically changing thevalue.

  • If you want to change an entry in the list, you simply specify the new
  • value as the 'load', for example 194.56.48.*=3
    • If you want to remove an entry from the list, you specify 0 as the value
    • for the 'load', for example 194.56.48.*=0
      • If you want to add an entry, you simply specifiy the new IP address or
      • the computer name, for example LinuxLab=1
        The changed values only apply for servers that re-register to thegateway.
        You can see the current list in the Gateway-Monitor, transaction SMGW.

        Work area

        Parameter unit
        List of IP addresses=value, separated by spaces

        Default value

        Who is allowed

        Limitation for os

        Limitation for db

        Other parameter

        Syntax shown above