Paramètre SAP eu/iwb/help_type - Info Workbench: Type of Extended Help (format/access)


Short text
Info Workbench: Type of Extended Help Call

Parameter description
The parameter specifies the type of help (format and type of access)that is used for the Extended Help.
From Release 4.6C, the online help settings (/eu/iwb/*) are made in theIMG (General Settings > Setting Variants for Help).

Work area

Who is allowed
System administrator

Limitation for os
Help types 4 and 5 require a Windows 32-bit front-end platform and theuse of Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.20.

Limitation for db
Other limitations
For help type 3: For Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0x, you require theVirtual Machine (VM) Update 1518 from Microsoft. Netscape Navigator 3.0cannot process any UNC names in the URLs.

Other parameter
For parameter values 2 (PlainHtmlHttp) or 4 (HtmlHelpHttp), you alsoneed to maintain parameter eu/iwb/server_<(><<)>front-end operatingsystem> and eu/iwb/path_<(><<)>front-end operating system>.
For parameter values 3 (PlainHtmlFile) or 5 (HtmlHelpFile), you alsoneed to maintain the parameter eu/iwb/path_<(><<)>front-end operatingsystem>.

1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
NetHelp (HTML, access via Web server and Info Repository)
PlainHtmlHttp (HTML, access via Web server)
PlainHtmlFile (HTML, access via file server)
HtmlHelpHttp (compressed HTML, access via Web server)
HtmlHelpFile (compressed HTML, access via file server)