Paramètre SAP enque/table_size - Size of Enqueue Table


Short text
Size of lock table

Parameter description
This parameter defines the size of the lock table that is held in mainmemory by the enqueue server. The lock table contains information onwhich locks are currently held by whom.
The size of the lock table limits the maximum number of lock entries,the maximum number of elementary lock names, and the maximum number oflock owners.
In the case of an overflow of the lock table, you should check whetherthe update server is working correctly, since the lock table can grow insize very quickly if updates stop. If no update problems exist, you canuse this parameter to increase the size of the lock table.
The Computing Center Management System (CCMS) monitors the status of thelock table constantly and outputs warnings if the space available is notadequate.
You can view the fill level of the lock tables using the statisticsfunctions of lock management (transaction SM12 -> Extras -> Statistics).

Work area
Enqueue, lock handler

Parameter unit

Default value
32-bit platforms: 16384 (16MB)
64-bit platforms: 32768 (32MB)

Who is allowed

Limitation for os

Limitation for db
