Paramètre SAP wdisp/group_info_location - Location from where the group can be retrieved


Short text
Location from which the group can be retrievedSpecifies where the SAP Web Dispatcher collects the informationabout server groups to which it can distribute the Web Requests.The specification is made using an (absolute or relative) URL.
Normally, the SAP Web Dispatcher collects its group information froman application server (transaction SMLG). In this case, you canspecify the ICF service where the groups are stored(Default /sap/public/icf_info/icr_groups).
If no message server or application server with ICF (ABAP) isavailable, you can also store this information in a file. In thiscase, you can specify the file path with this parameter by settingto file://<(><<)>path<(>><)>.

Work area
SAP Web Dispatcher

Parameter unit
character string

Default value

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db