Paramètre SAP stat/level - level of the sap statistics


Turn Workload Statistics Onperformance monitor. Activating these statistics makes allresponse time profiles and hit lists except table accessesavailable to you.

Who is allowed
SAP only.

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter

Other parameter
None.To collect workload statistics, set the stat/level parameterin the system profile to 1. Turn off response time statisticsby setting stat/level to 0. You can set the parameter in eachapplication server in which response time statistics are to becollected, or set the parameter only in the default profile toactivate performance monitoring in all application servers ofan SAP System. Setting the parameter in an application server'sprofile turns off data collection only in that server. Settingthe parameter in the default profile turns off data collectionin all servers that do not have a different setting in theirown profiles.