Paramètre SAP spnego/construct_SNC_name - Construct SNC name for given Kerberos User Name


Short text
Construct SNC name for given Kerberos User Name

Parameter description
During SPNego authentication the determined Kerberos User Name(consisting of two parts: user name part and domain part, separated bythe @ sign) needs to be converted into a SNC name in order to utilizethe existing SNC mappings.
This approach is applicable to all Kerberos-based SNC products.Unfortunately, the SNC products differ in the way how they construct aSNC name for a given Kerberos User Name. This profile parameter allowsto configure the construction rules.
The default value is suitable for the usage of the product SAP NetWeaverSingle Sign-On as
SNC library.

Work area

Default value

Valid values consist of 3 digits (format: XYZ) with

  • the first digit (X) denoting the prefix

  • Value,,Meaning,,
    1,,Prefix 'p:CN=',,
    2,,Prefix 'p:',,
    • the second digit (Y) defining the conversion of the user name part

    • Value,,Meaning,,
      0,,User name part: do not convert,,
      1,,User name part: convert to upper case,,
      2,,User name part: convert to lower case,,
      • the third digit (Z) defining the conversion of the domain part

      • Value,,Meaning,,
        0,,Domain part: do not convert,,
        1,,Domain part: convert to upper case,,
        2,,Domain part: convert to lower case,,
        spnego/construct_SNC_name = 200 will convert the Kerberos User Name'' into the SNC name ''.
        For the same Kerberos User Name spnego/construct_SNC_name = 111 wouldresult in 'p:CN=SMITH@EXAMPLE.COM'.