Paramètre SAP snc/accept_insecure_cpic - Accept insecure CPIC-connections to SNC-enabled Server


Short text
Accept insecure incoming CPIC connections on an SNC-enabled applicationserver
By default, after the Secure Network Communication (SNC) module isactivated, an SAP application server rejects all incoming conventional(non SNC-secured) CPIC connections from external C programs or SAPsystems.
If you also want to continue to accept insecure CPIC connections (forexample, from old CPIC programs or SAP systems without SNC), you need toconfigure that using this switch.

Work area

Parameter unit
Character value

Default value
0 (only secure connections are possible)

Who is allowed

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter
snc/enable - Activation of the SNC module (SecureNetwork Communication)

  • 0 insecure connections not accepted

  • 1 insecure connection accepted

  • U insecure connections accepted, if permitted for the user (indicator in
  • user master record)