Paramètre SAP slic/netid_servers - Network ID servers for flexible license mechanism


Short text
Network ID servers for flexible license mechanism

Parameter description
This parameter can be used to activate the flexible license mechanism.The message server then does not use its local hardware ID anymore. Ituses the network ID of one of the specified ID servers instead(SAPHostControl). This makes it possible to move the message server toanother hardware without losing license(s). One more more ID servers canbe specified, separated by spaces. Every ID server must be specified asfollows: <(><<)>hostname>:<(><<)>port>. The port is normally theIANA-registered default port 1128 of the SAPHostControl. If the value isempty, the message server uses it local hardware ID.
"idhost1:1128 idhost2:1128"

Work area
Message server