Paramètre | Groupe | Description |
icm/HTTP/server_cache_<xx>/ufo_codelist | ICM | List of HTTP error codes to be handled as UFOs |
rslg/collect_daemon/listen_port | Syslog | Log Collector Listen Port |
slic/buffer_entries_dig_sig | System | Number of entries in buffer for digitally signed license keys |
slic/high_available | System | Activate high available SAPlicense |
slic/license_type | System | License check message server/database |
slic/netid_servers | MsgServer | Network ID servers for flexible license mechanism |
slic/use_buffer | Login | Saplicense-Puffer benutzen |
smc/mcon | System | Switch on/off synchroneous matchode writing |
snc/accept_insecure_cpic | SNC | Accept insecure CPIC-connections to SNC-enabled Server |
snc/accept_insecure_gui | SNC | Accept insecure SAPGUI logins to SNC-enabled Server |
snc/accept_insecure_r3int_rfc | SNC | Accept insecure internal RFCs on SNC-enabled Server |
snc/accept_insecure_rfc | SNC | Accept insecure RFC-connections to SNC-enabled Server |
snc/data_protection/max | SNC | Limit for data protection of Secure Network Comm. |
snc/data_protection/min | SNC | Min. required data protection for incoming connections |
snc/data_protection/use | SNC | Level of data protection for R/3 initiated connections |
snc/enable | SNC | Enable SNC-Module (Secure Network Communications) |
snc/extid_login_diag | SNC | Enable login with external identity (DIAG) |
snc/extid_login_rfc | SNC | Enable login with external identity (RFC) |
snc/force_login_screen | SNC | Display login screen for each SNC-protected login |
snc/gssapi_lib | SNC | Filename for external GSS-API shared library |
snc/identity/as | SNC | Name of application server for external Security Syst. |
snc/only_encrypted_gui | SNC | Enforce encrypted SAPGUI connections |
snc/only_encrypted_rfc | SNC | Enforce encrypted RFC connections |
snc/permit_insecure_start | SNC | Permit to start insecure programs when SNC is enabled |
snc/r3int_rfc_qop | SNC | Quality of protection for internal RFCs with SNC |
snc/r3int_rfc_secure | SNC | Use SNC for internal RFC-Communications |
spfl_formatter | Abap | Parameter is used by transaction SPFL_FORMATTER |
spnego/construct_SNC_name | Login | Construct SNC name for given Kerberos User Name |
spnego/enable | Login | Enable SPNego Module |
spnego/krbspnego_lib | Login | Filename for Kerberos/SPNego library |
rspo/host_spool/print_answer_id | Spool | Identification string for host job ID |
wdisp/HTTPS/max_client_ip_entries | WebDisp | HTTPS: max. number of different client addresses for load balancing |
itsp/Traces/SAPplugin/TraceLevel | System | SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, itsp plugin |
SRZL_WPNO_BTC_A | Batch | Background Work Processes Reserved for Job Class A |
ssf2/name | System | Name of the 2nd external SSF security toolkit |
ssf2/ssfapi_lib | System | complete path and filename for 2nd SSF API external library |
ssf2/ssf_md_alg | System | Message Digest Algorithm for 2nd SSF toolkit |
ssf2/ssf_symencr_alg | System | Symmetric Encryption Algorithm for 2nd SSF toolkit |
ssf3/name | System | Name of the third external SSF security toolkit |
ssf3/ssfapi_lib | System | complete path and filename for third SSF API external library |
ssf3/ssf_md_alg | System | Message Digest Algorithm for 3nd SSF toolkit |
ssf3/ssf_symencr_alg | System | Symmetric Encryption Algorithm for third SSF toolkit |
ssf/name | System | Name of the external SSF security toolkit |
ssf/ssfapi_lib | System | complete path and filename for SSF API external library |
ssf/ssf_md_alg | System | Message Digest Algorithm for SSF |
ssf/ssf_symencr_alg | System | Symmetric Encryption Algorithm for SSF |
ssl/client_cache_lifetime | SNC | Max. lifetime of a session in SSL client cache |
ssl/client_cache_size | SNC | Max. number of session in the SSL client cache |
ssl/client_pse | SNC | Filename of default PSE for SSL Client sessions |
ssl/server_cache_lifetime | SNC | Max. lifetime of a session in SSL server cache |
ssl/server_cache_size | SNC | Max. number of session in the SSL server cache |
ssl/server_pse | SNC | Filename of default PSE for SSL Server sessions |
ssl/ssl_lib | SNC | Filename for external SSL shared library |
login/password_downwards_compatibility | Login | password downwards compatibility (8 / 40 characters, case-sensitivity) |
install/codepage/MNLS_CONVERSION | Abap | Don't translate Japanese characters to upper case |
start_menu | System | missing |
Start_Program_<xx> | System | Starts a SAP R/3 executable |
stat/adrec | Perf | Max. number of ad statistic records, created for one statistic record |
stat/as_bufsize | Perf | Anwendungsstatistik: Groesse des SHM-Puffers |
stat/as_collect | Perf | Anwendungsstatistik-Saetze sammeln |
stat/as_file | Perf | Anwendungsstatistik: Filename |
stat/as_level | Perf | Anwendungsstatistik: Schalter ein/aus |
stat/as_max_files | Perf | Number of astat-Files which can be held at a time |
stat/as_max_init | Perf | Anwendungsstatistik: max. Anzahl INITS (parallel) |
stat/btcrec | Perf | Max. number of btc step statistic records for one statistic record |
stat/bufsize | Perf | Size of the work process specific statistic buffer |
stat/checks | System | Activate runtime checks for SAP statistic |
stat/clock | System | Clock for SAP statistic |
stat/compression | Perf | compress statistic records |
stat/dbconrec | Perf | Maximum number of DB connection statistic-records |
stat/dbprocrec | Perf | Max. number of db procedure statistic records, created |
stat/file | Perf | Name of the statistic file |
stat/index | Perf | Write additional index(file) for statistics |
stat/ind_file | Perf | Filename for statistic-index file |
stat/level | Perf | level of the sap statistics |
stat/max_files | Perf | Number of stat-Files which can be held at a time |
stat/normal_clock | Perf | Welche Uhr wird fuer die Performancemessung benutzt |
stat/recno | Perf | Number of statistical records buffered |
stat/rfcrec | Perf | Max. number of rfc statistic records for one statistic record |
stat/round_factor | Perf | Rundungswert des Time-factors der Statistik |
stat/runtime_clock | System | SAP runtime clock |
stat/sporec | Perf | Max. number of spool statistic records created for one statistic record |
stat/tabrec | Perf | Max. number of table statistic records, created for one statistic record |
stat/tabrec_tcode_<xx> | Perf | transaction code for table statistic |
stat/umask | Perf | Permission umask for stat-files |
stat/version | Perf | version of statistic information |
stat/vmcrec | Perf | Max. number of vmc statistic records created for one statistic record |
stat/webservicerec | Perf | Max. number of webservice statistic records for one statistic record |
Stop_Program_<xx> | System | Commands to be executed during shutdown |
system/description | System | Verbal description of the system |
system/uuid | System | Universal Unique Identifier of the System |
dbs/db2/icli_trusted_connections | SNC | specifies the use of a secure connection |
dbs/db6/dbsl_trace_deadlock_time | Database | DB6: DbSl trace deadlock detection interval (seconds) |
es/disclaim_coasting_time_alloc | ExtMemory | Control EM usage against operating system |
install/codepage/FRONT_CONVERSION | Dynp | Screen input field data upper case translation |
term/tm_class | Gui | missing |
Activating_Background_Processing | Batch | Activating Background Processing documentation |
transport/during_upgrade | Trans | Flag for Transportsystem to work upgrade-specific |
transport/systemtype | Trans | System class (SAP or CUSTOMER) |
transport/tp_logging | Trans | Usage of interface to transport program is logged in the database (table TPLOG). |